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Old Jail & Sheriff's Residence Investigation

Noblesville, Hamilton County, Indiana


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This building has been near and dear to our heart for many years. It is featured in the first ghost story book Nicole Kobrowski and, Inc. came out with and we have visited frequently in the past. And of course we investigated it numerous times. 


The Jail and Sheriff's Residence was built around the same time the Hamilton Country Courthouse was built. This is the second or third Jail in Hamilton County.


The first Jail was a log cabin type building erected shortly after the founding of Noblesville in 1824 close to the Riverside Cemetery location. It was later moved to the square and then replaced by a brick structure in 1853. That one was replaced with the structure featured here in 1876, while the courthouse was being constructed. (It was finished in 1879).


This structure was used as a Jail until 1977 when the new jail on Cumberland road was built. Since then the Hamilton County Historical Society, founded in 1963, renovated the building and has their Museum of History in this building.

Click here for their website.
Click here for their Facebook page.


Click below to get the two books this building and our investigations are discussed

Left: Haunted Backroads: Central Indiana

Right: Ghosts of Hamilton County, Indiana






After visiting this building numerous times and experiencing some of the paranormal activities we heard about we suggested to the board of the Hamilton County Historical Society to do a join fundraiser with them. We get to investigate the building with up to 12 people that donate money to the Historical Society through us. We were so glad when they agreed to do that and did our first investigation there March 23rd 2013! We had a blast! The picture below was taken in the booking area of the building, between the residence and the jail. Nicole was sitting at the desk, where the officers would sit, and I took a picture of her. We have no idea where the shadow came from that is over her right side. We took several other pictures around the same time that did not have that shadow. She felt like there was a presence there at the time of taking that picture.


During the same investigation we had an experience in the basement. We hadn't gotten any stories from the museum workers from the basement, most are trying to avoid it. One of our guests was very fascinated with the tunnel under the cell block. Below some pictures of it, and the person that had the experience. He said he saw a ghost at the end of the tunnel and it really shuck him up to have had that happen to him. How much we really didn't know until a few years later when we met him again. He told us that he wanted to apologize for how he behaved that night, because he felt he was really rude to us after the experience. We didn't notice and told him so, but he said it really struck a nerve to have a definite haunting!

When we investigated the jail another time we had our (now ex) daughter in law to be along. It was her first investigation with us. She became known as "ghost bait" after a few investigations. During her first one she was in the juvenile cells upstairs, reading some of the interesting graffiti when Nicole mentioned to the spirits around that there was a young pretty woman here for them to talk to. The second picture seems to have someone extra right in front of her and the third picture is Megans disapproving look at Nicole for her suggestion that the ghosts should talk to her.

Both Nicole and Michael don't believe in taunting the spirits. We believe they are just people too and we wouldn't want to talk to people in a threatening or instigating way either. During another investigation Nicole was with a group of people she never investigated with before. It was a nice group during a cool November evening and they were communicating with a spirit through dowsing rods and it seemed he was a pimp from back in the day when prostitution was pretty well established in Noblesville. He said that after he got out of jail he just went back across the street for business as usual. Before Nicole could stop her she blurted out "Well you suck a little bit". Shortly after Nicole started to feel warm. She asked the others if they felt warm too and they all said, nope it was still cold.


Shortly after Nicole felt even warmer on her lower back, so she asked the woman next to her "I know we don't know each other well, but could you pull up my shirt in the back?". The woman obliged and saw Nicole's back was scratched!  


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